enero 16, 2011

Parodia matemática: -Calculus Raphsody-

Comparte MatemáTICas: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,...

Por aquí andaba, en placentera tarde dominical, cuando un mensaje de mi amigo Toni Solano me recomienda un post curiosísimo publicado en el fascinante blog: El Espejo Lúdico.

No me he podido resistir y he decidido compartirlo contigo, escribiendo este post.

El vídeo muestra parodia del tema «Bohemian Rhapsody» de Queen usando terminología del Análisis Matemático (Cálculo infinitesimal).

Aunque cantan en inglés, y los subtítulos también están en este idioma, se comprende perfectamente. Es lo bueno que tienen las mates, que están escritas en un lenguaje universal, conocido por todos. Cada día, descubrimos más ventajas de ellas. El lenguaje preciso es una de estas ventajas a las que me refiero aunque, aprenderlo, reconozco que no es nada fácil.

A continuación, dejo su letra original. ¡Es buenísima!

Calculus Rhapsody
By Phil Kirk & Mike Gospel

Is this x defined?
Is f continuous?
How do you find out?
You can use the limit process.

Approach from both sides,
The left and the right and meet.
Im a just a limit, defined analytically

Functions continuous,
Theres no holes,
No sharp points,
Or asymptotes.

Any way this graph goes
It is differentiable for me for me.

All year, in Calculus
Weve learned so many things
About which we are going to sing

We can find derivatives
And integrals
And the area enclosed between two curves.

Y prime oooh
Is the derivative of y
Y equals x to the n, dy/dx
Equals n times x
To the n-1.

Other applications
Of derivatives apply
If y is divided or multiplied
You use the quotient
And product rules

And dont you forget
To do the dance

Also oooh (dont forget the chain rule)
Before you are done,
You gotta remember to multiply by the chain

(Parte instrumental sólo)

I need to find the area under a curve
Integrate! Integrate! You can use the integration

Raise exponent by one multiply the reciprocal
Plus a constant
Plus a constant
Add a constant
Add a constant
Add a constant labeled C
(Labeled C-ee-ee-ee-ee)

Im just a constant
Nobody loves me.
Hes just a constant
Might as well just call it C
Never forget to add the constant C

Can you find the area between f and g
In-te-grate f and then integrate g
(then subtract)
To revolve around the y-axis
outer radius squared minus inner radius squared
multiplied by pi

Multiply the integral by pi!

Pi tastes real good with whipped cream!

Mama-Mia, Mama-Mia
Mama-Mia let me go.
Pre-calculus did not help me to prepare for Calculus, for Calculus, help me!

So you think you can find out the limit of y?
So you think youll find zero and have it defined
Oh baby cant define that point baby
Its undefined
Goes to positive and negative infinity

Oooh. Oooh yeah, oooh yeah.
Anyone can see
Any mere equation
It is differentiable for me.

(Any way this graph goes)

Sin comentarios, sencillamente genial.

A este paso, no se qué ocurrirá, si acabaré pasándome al Área de Lengua, acabaré convenciendo a Toni para que se pase al Área de Matemáticas o, sencillamente, creamos el Ámbito LingMates (…)

Comparte MatemáTICas: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,...
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